Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Circulation and transformations of journalistic discourses 105 methodologies . The records just below stand out from different dynamics that were previously described and are under other levels of complexity, since their engendering escape the bor- ders of the journalistic field, as they are woven into the inter - faces of several social systems, already in the mediatized ambi- ance (GOMES, 2017). 1st record (2017): The event’s circulation unrolls in a hospital environment. Hours after the hospitalization of the late wife of ex-President Lula, Marisa Letícia da Silva, affected by a stroke, a doctor at the hospital sent a message via WhatsApp to a group of former university colleagues, confirming the hospital - ization of the patient affected by a hemorrhagic stroke and con- sidered as one of the most severe levels. Although medical code rules prohibit third parties’ access to patient records, the report migrated not only to the medical field but to various segments, generating several types of discourses. The media minded not only to report the occurrence taking as reference the doctor’s report, already in circulation, but the newspapers opened pages for specialists to comment on the unrolling accounts of the event from different points of view (medical, legal, ethical, etc.). The message also enters the circuit of social networks through various types of reports and comments, causing even hate discourses to emerge. Although the doctor was dismissed from the services she provided to the hospital, her message went further with no obstacles or control and restrictions in the process of its circulation. 2nd record (2016): Not only the construction of the event but its circulation is engendered within the jurisdictional system. Judge Sérgio Moro, in charge of investigations of “Opera- tion Lava-Jato”, orders, despite superior authorities, the capture, through telephone tapping, of conversations between former Presidents Lula and Dilma Rousseff. He also orders that the con- tent of the messages should be available to the news media, mo- ments after the operation. It was suspended by him hours later, upon compliance with the STF’s determination that the record- ed messages should be recalled and removed from the process. However, between the extraction of data and its prohibition, the contents of the conversations had already entered several cir- cuits of media and other institutions. Its content, in addition to