Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Circulation and transformations of journalistic discourses 107 ciative constructions, making it impossible to stop the course of the circulation of meanings. They draw attention to the fact that the genesis of the construction of the event is, this time, outside the specific borders of the media field, but in the combination of coupling of authorial and operations that are already in the do- main of various social systems, given that the expectations about possible effects of meanings – like following unforeseen courses activated by the circulation – cannot be previously known. The event literally takes on bifurcating horizons that are permeated by different and, at the same time, unforeseen meanings. The three events point to articulations between differ- ent social systems, however, presenting marks of enunciations of an observational work that generates the first reports operated by actors of systems, in terms of the first stages of their circula- tion. In the leakage about the health status of the ex-president’s wife, we could observe that its circulation is enunciated from an operator in the medical field, albeit its production does not re - sult from the formal actions of this system. It is disseminated through discursive production circuits by specialists in the same field, taking the version first addressed by the medical colleague – without the constraints of regulatory codes – to a broader am- biance consisting of a diversity of readings. These unfold in oth- ers as they travel through other circuits, whose functioning and horizons are unknown. The event results, therefore, from coupling and feed- backs engendered in the social dynamics itself, unfolding in new constructions and so on, due to significant new derivations. Meanings cannot be restrained because, like fake news, this type of report rests on the power of a circulatory process in which something escapes, entering other meaning-building processes. Also, from the perspective of coupling and interpen- etration logics, we can say that “Operation Lava-Jato” represents a level of complexity in the communication activity of social systems. Their actions are systematically coupled, according to strategies and operations articulated with the communicability logics of the event as the dominant aspect. We saw that a set of fundamentals and legal-media actions support and guide the op- eration, from capturing the tapping of the conversation between two former presidents to their entry into circulation. The event