Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Circulation and transformations of journalistic discourses 109 We understand that the third case – “Vaza Jato” – raises a central issue exposed in this article and concerns the status of journalistic mediation. Throughout the reports developed here, we have seen that journalistic mediation suffers injunctions of various kinds, especially those engendered by the ongoing me- diatization processes, as they affect the specificity of the work of the journalist as a mediator. We draw attention to the nature of some dissolutions caused by the complexification of the cir - culatory process. But we must note that journalistic mediation does another operation in which the journalist appears not as a recipient of materials, as some analysis claim. Or as an actor subordinate to machinery in which his role would only be to quote statements from one place or another. Located in another process, we must call attention to a journalistic act that values​ its place of observation in another way, equidistant from auto- mated reports generally made in “interface policies” between systems (journalistic/non-journalistic), as well as the relation - ship of this with something that emanates from other circuits of meanings... V – Concluding notes In this article, we sought to show the changes of cir- culation on journalistic scenarios, in a specific way, pointing out situations and highlighting their effects on the nature of the structural activity of journalism, of a mediational character. We relied on materials that appeared in the Brazilian journalistic context, during these first two decades, and on data located in research in development. We observed clues about the nature and manifestations of the work of circulatory process in various situations involving the journalistic act. We highlighted those in which the journalist was considered an outstanding actor in an activity aimed at the dissemination of facts, appearing as an operator and vector of meaning expansion. At other times, we would have drawn attention to the journalistic practice that had another mediating dimension. We realized that the work of news would require placing its reporting process related to ex- ternal knowledge from other fields.