Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

11 Introduction Editors This book is one of the results of the II International Seminar on Research on Mediatization and Social Processes. The II International Seminar on Research on Mediati- zation and Social Processes had a program developed at two lev- els: Debate panels, with invited researchers – five tables with the participation of researchers from Sweden (1), Russia (1), Portu- gal (1), Argentina (1), and Brazil (6). The schedule of the II Semi- nar and its structure are available at https://www.midiaticom. org/seminario-midiatizacao/grade-de-programacao-2018/ . In total, there were 15 hours of debates at the five debate panels. This second event gave continuity to the first International Sem - inar on Research on Mediatization and Social Processes, which also had guest researchers. In the first seminar, the five panels were attended by researchers from France (3), Denmark (1), Argentina (2), and Brazil (4). See: seminariointernacional/programacao-2016/ . Therefore, methodologically, the Seminar takes place in the articulation of debate panels with international guests and working groups, with the presence of researchers, doctors, doctoral students, Masters, and master’s degree students. We emphasize that, still in the scope of training pro- cesses, master’s and doctoral students, masters and doctors, post-doctoral students and post-doctors, and members of the organizing Research Group take part in them as reviewers, in a blind evaluation, of the expanded abstracts submitted by gradu- ates with lower titles – under the coordination of researchers/ professors of the Research Group on Mediatization and Social Processes. They evaluated (in a group of more than three doz- en reviewers) each of the works submitted by colleagues with training at a lower level, with classification grades, which result - ed in the approved papers. Then, they were grouped by the orga-