Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Antonio Fausto Neto 112 play – and under discussion – another model of enunciation, requalifying the specificity of an observational activity, far from ventriloquism and also from the constraints of inter systemic practices, of instrumental and regulatory requirements. Reports of ‘private conversations’ between officials in the judicial world, and leaked through circuits, go forward. The effects of their couplings are, therefore, unknown. The “commu- nicative action” draws attention since its contents come at stake because of discontinuities, or displacements that are not con- trolled by their process, as well as by the logics that generated them. Something escapes them, transcending the very frontier of the act that produced them, passing captured messages to circu- late driven by peripheral systems . When they leave the borders of a determined productive process, statements enter the “inertia” of the gap in circulation or are captured by it, where other circuits care of giving them other courses and directions. They enter, for example, the scope of other observational processes, which are mediatized by other methodologies that bring together mediat- ing potentialities. As mediatization phenomena are subordinated to temporalities and procedures, the observations developed here describe only records of small stages in the dynamics of journal - istic (and also some non-journalistic) practices increasingly sub - ordinated to the work of circulation. The marks left by the traces of this activity suggest some hypotheses for further studies on the implications of circulation for journalistic changes. References ALBUQUERQUE, Ana Luiza. Sem exposição, é impossível avan- çar contra poderosos, afirma Dallagnol. Retreived from: 812-sem-exposicao-e-impossivel-avancar-contra-pode rosos-afirma-dallagnol.shtml?origin=folha . Access on: Jan. 6, 2020. São Paulo, SP: Folha de S. Paulo, 2017. BATESON, Gregory. Mente e natureza . Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Francis- co Alves, 1986. BRAGA, J. J. Circuitos versus campos sociais. In: MATOS, Maria Ângela; JANOTTI JÚNIOR, Jeder; JACCKS, Nilda (ed.) Me-