Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

119 Discussing mediatization of politics based on the portuguese case Rita Figueiras 1 Abstract: The article focuses on the comment space in prime- time newscasts on generalist TV and cable television chan- nels in Portugal. The concept of the mediatization of politics is used to guide empirical research. The study results indi- cate that the comment is a manifestation of the association between the media and politics. The results also offer clues to debate the concept of mediatization. Keywords: Mediatization of politics. The politicization of the media. Journalists. Politicians. Newscasts. Commentary. Com- mentators. Portugal. I – Introduction The comment reached Portuguese television in 2000 with the hiring of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to comment on the main newscast of the private station TVI, where he remained un- til October 2015, shortly before beginning his campaign for the presidency of the Republic. Marcelo was known only among the national elites when he started commenting on television, but after 16 years of speaking directly to the Portuguese for almost 1 hour a week, he became the most popular figure in the coun - try. And in January 2016, Marcelo was elected president of the Republic in the first round in an election between 10 candidates. The inclusion of the comment in a popular and high- rated newscast, such as that of TVI, democratized the access 1 Portuguese Catholic University. E-mails: ; ritafigueiras@