Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Editors 12 nizing committee, successively, until the event’s working groups were formed. A total of 237 abstracts were submitted. They were se- lected in the following proportion of participants: 21% of pro- fessors/researchers; 33% doctors and doctoral students; 33% masters and master’s students; 13% graduates and undergradu- ate students, linked to scientific initiation research project and/ or with research results of a senior research project. In the first seminar, in 2016, there were 250 submissions by authors and 217 expanded abstracts. Out of these, around 188 works were selected. At both events, half of the participants were from uni- versities in other states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais, mainly). Among its results, in addition to the training processes in the course of its realization, we emphasize its consolidation in a library of reflections, in the form of complete articles of the presentations inWorking Groups and books published in e-book format (with chapters produced by the participants of the de- bate panels). The expanded abstracts of the event are available at ao-resumos. The full articles are available at https://midiaticom .org/anais/index.php/seminario-midiatizacao-artigos . This book of the Debate Panels of the II Seminar, in this e-book edition, is available not only in the project collec - tion ( ) but also at FACOS UFSM ( https: / / ). We reiterate our thanks to CAPES and FAPERGS for the financial support, which is essential for to enable this proposal of conversation via research, both theoretical and empirical, car- ried out by its participants. Editors