Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

143 Religions in the media polis: mediatization, Protestants and politics in Brazil Magali do Nascimento Cunha 1 Abstract: This study is dedicated to the phenomenon of the expansion of the occupation of space in national politics by Protestants, with emphasis on the place of the media in this process. Attention is focused on a particular phenomenon: the emergence of Protestant political activism. The goal is to demonstrate how the mediatization of religions, specifically the process involving the Protestant faith in Brazil, potenti- ates this phenomenon, provoking the emergence of a Protes- tant digital political activism. The study is developed in an in- terdisciplinary perspective based on theoretical approaches of communication (studies on social mediatization), of reli- gious studies (Protestants in politics in Brazil) and on pre- vious works by the author that relate media, religion, and politics. The results of this study show that digital Protestant political activism emerges from the processes of mediatiza- tion experienced by this religious segment in Brazil. Keywords: Mediatization. Religion. Protestants. Politics. I – Introduction It is no longer possible to ignore or deny the visibility that religions have achieved in public space at present. They are in evidence, whether in everyday life (cultivation of religiosity 1 E-mail: