Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Religions in the media polis: mediatization, Protestants and politics in Brazil 149 1. numerous social programs in partnership with public authorities, with NGOs and social move- ments and the presence of religious poeple on councils of rights, politics, and management of par- ticular social policies; 2. actions by religious groups in networks and articu- lations of civil society; participation of religions in the economy not only with the internal trade of re- ligious products but with the growth of offers of re- ligious entertainment (tourism and leisure around religion); 3. intense presence in the media. Joanildo Burity views this moment of the religion-po- litical relationship as a redefinition of the concept and scope of democracy: The discomfort and uncertainty caused by this “re- appearance” of religionwere gradually being articu- lated with the redefinition of the concept and scope of democracy, as a political form of social inclusion and justice, through citizenship and recognition. On the one hand, part of multicultural policies aimed at incorporating religious identity into the list of legit- imate ways of affirming cultural differences. On the other hand, an increasing number of religious ac- tivists have been settling accounts with democratic discourse and building their visibility spaces within democratizing struggles (BURITY, 2016, p. 27-28). Therefore, in the contemporary demands around cul- tural policies, collective identities, affirmative actions, pluralism, consumption, social movements, networks of social articulation, party politics, there is an intense presence of religions that must be recognized, whether evaluated in a positive, critical or rela- tivized way. In addition to this “return” of religions to the public space, they are also spots for affirming identities and everyday practices that structure life, producing community, socially in- tegrating, inculcating values. It is in this sense that religions are