Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Magali do Nascimento Cunha 154 (2014), and the IURD managed to elect the bishop and senator Marcelo Crivella as mayor of Rio de Ja- neiro, which sets the tone for the political strength achieved by these two evangelical denominations. 3. From 2010, the mainstream media started to em- phasize the theme of LGBTI rights in the electoral campaign and the projects debated in the Nation - al Congress (National Plan for Human Rights-3). Along with this theme, the agenda for the legaliza- tion of abortion also came, with pressure on the then-candidate for the Presidency of the Republic by PT, Dilma Rousseff. There was a lot of mobili- zation of evangelical groups against Dilma Rous- seff, whose campaign was an advocate of these themes. In 2013, the case of deputy Marco Feli- ciano (formerly PSC/SP, then PODE/SP) resumed these themes with force, with broad space in the media. It was the unusual appointment of the dep- uty as chairman of the Human Rights and Minori- ties Commission of the Chamber and scandals that were related to it. This process culminated in the reinvigoration of the political banners of the evan- gelical bench and leaders, with public visibility projects around the guarantee of sexual morality in terms of legislation, under the label “Defense of the Traditional Family” against feminist and LGBTI movements. In the wake of this trend, Partido So- cial Cristão (PSC) was strengthened in the 2014 elections, favoring the launch of its candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Minister Everaldo, and projecting the candidacy of federal deputy Jair Bolsonaro (ex-PSC, now PSL) to the Presidency of the Republic in 2018. 4. The election of evangelical federal deputy Edu- ardo Cunha (MDB/RJ) as president of the Cham - ber of Deputies, in 2015, the year of his transfer from “Igreja Sara Nossa Terra” to Assembleia de Deus, contributed to a reconfiguration of the pres -