Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, polis, and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR 171 The study of Brazilian newsworthiness of peripheral spaces, that is, the conditions that preside over systematic re- porting in popularized parameters by the commercial media, al- lows us to infer that there is a determined treatment planned to is applied in the journalistic projection of events that took place or that refer to the peripheral spatiality. The social life of the periphery, those events that are not recognized as taking place at an alleged centrality, do not enjoy a status reputed as of an informative reference. Therefore, a profusion of contents is disregarded as being of secondary value to the daily activity of coverage in parameters conceived as journalistic. I start from what has been stated in another text (HARTMANN; SILVEIRA, 2018, p. 202): “Despite being histori- cally overshadowed, as the negative face of Brazilian society, the metropolitan periphery would gain, in the 21st century, an unexpected light”. I understand that we were used to, due to a formation in which class discrimination turned natural, a struc- ture of a particular news pattern, an order of newsworthiness, in Foucault’s terms, marked by social exclusion. In the newsworthiness in question, another noticeable procedure is from the exteriority, taken as a constitutive opera- tion of a discursive policy reactivated in circulating discourses (FOUCAULT, 1997). It intends to guarantee the communicability proposed by the reference media. Because of it, we conceived a news pattern in which the visibility of the periphery arises from problems inflicted on the inhabitants of what is characterized as inherent to the urban centrality, and, traditionally, is located on the Brazilian coast. On the other hand, it is about the wide ideo- logical dissemination of the primary definers in the journalistic activity, engaged in the reproduction of broad consensus, as ana- lyzed in the public security newscasts (SILVEIRA; DALMOLIN; MASCARENHAS, 2017b). In this way, I reaffirm the understanding that “the or - der of newsworthiness expresses the conditions for dealing with events; it is the result of social coexistence, religious and secular beliefs, the exercise of power and resistance. Newswor- thiness results from the understanding of a news order which reproduces the perception of a given social order” (HARTMANN; SILVEIRA, 2018, p. 202).