Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ada C. Machado da Silveira 172 One of the consequences known by the media coverage is that it works with the concept that there would be no civi- lized life on the frontiers, constituted as a space of chaos and abandonment of the State, therefore, an emptied polis. As an ar- chaic substrate of the opposition between civilian and military life, boundaries would be a minor deposit of territorial disputes. However, globalization theories recognize frontier spaces as special anticipators of conditions later proved in metropolitan spaces, systematically managing precariousness and uncer- tainty. Globalization, therefore, provides new elements in the construction of newsworthiness, whose impact I seek to point out. I consider that tensioning the relationship between the me- diatization of society and the emergence of a new journalistic discourse about the Brazilian periphery crosses a broader is- sue that concerns the “social production of meaning in times of mediatized society that has consumption as one of its primary definers” (HARTMANN; SILVEIRA, 2019, p. 49). This is a wide - spread challenge, given that the Brazilian population has a tra- dition of oral culture, and its consumption of newspapers and magazines historically has been restricted to cultural and eco- nomic elites. Thus, the set of lapses, absences, and other forms of non-representational circumscribe the challenges of journal - ism in times of convergence culture. III – The newsworthiness of the CUT BR-PY-AR The amplitude of the impact of globalization in the CUT BRA-PY-AR allows to detect the fit of the studied phenomena articulated with what José Luiz Braga (2014, p. 25) has called three types of frontier events between: • social and media fields; • fields not directly taken as media; and • fields and society. Braga designates them as frontier events because “the activation, there, of interactional processes using media tech- nologies, is not regulated by the most established practices, generating indefiniteness of all orders.” It is, therefore, with -