Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, polis, and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR 173 in a perspective of noted difficulty in approaching that I am proposing the study of CUT from a communicational-media perspective. A CUT may be understood as a rich zone; character- ized by digital practices and unexplored developments. A CUT may also is understood as a society articulated by communi- cative processes, whose institutional character is considered not only by professional media outlets but also by the activ- ity of telecommunication companies, providers, servers of the most innovative processes in the computer industry. Some networks have historically connected populations of distinct nationalities whose coexistence has not been impeded by cir- cumstantial nationalist limitations and which, to date, do not enter the informational dispute of professional media, with exceptions. The conditions of the mediatization of the CUTs with a focus on newsworthiness shelter the goal of studying the com- munity of communication constituted on the Brazilian borders based on the notion of proximity communication that is estab- lished in that enunciative landscape. I intend to continue with previous studies on the structure of media and newsworthiness on the Triple Frontiers between Brazil and neighboring nations. This text, having accumulated systematized knowledge about the aspects related to the media communication reality, seeks to advance the elements that constitute the progressive media- tization of its local space. Mediatization in existing CUTs in Brazil has quite dif- ferent conditions. In the newscasts of the Brazilian reference media, the CUT BRA-PY-AR is usually called as Triple Frontier. Although Brazil has eight other triple limit meetings with its South American neighbors, the meeting with Paraguay and Ar- gentina is paradigmatic for Brazilian and international news. Studying the newsworthiness built on media around the CUTs, promoting knowledge about local agendas of nation- al interest in aspects concerning public security has become urgent in the face of the shading with national security themes (SILVEIRA, 2012; 2016). To paraphrase Stig Hjarvard’s exam - ple (2012), in which he considers the Gulf War as a recognized antecedent, I understand that the knowledge that Brazilians