Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, polis, and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR 177 Understanding the polis in its current condition as a network society includes assuming the contradictions that exist in it. Furthermore, in a globalized context such as the frontier, in which mobile technologies run over the most diverse conditions for the production of media narratives, the distinction operated by Manuel Castells (2012, p. 82) between space of flows (global) and space of places (local) is convincing. I think it is pertinent to recall analysis of the entry of CUT BRA-PY-AR in the international agenda since Sep- tember 11, 2001, carried out by Montenegro and Giménez (2010, p. 63): “At the same time, the articles in the Military Review, as well as the report on the Triple Frontier, pre- pared by the Federal Research Division, cited the media as a source in the feedback that homogenized the vision of this space.” The authors pointed out that the coverage of the region made it possible to place distant events relating to local circumstances, an external perspective that shaped in a matrix of homogeneous and recurring discourses that began to be challenged by arguments from other interna- tional or regional media. Coverage on the periphery of Brazilian international frontiers comprises two types of activity that contribute to the mediatization of the polis , although they are subject to different logics. A factual coverage would act within the scope of news practices and implies precepts such as correction of limits, im- putation of deviation (the illegal practice of misappropriation), condemnation of injunction, moral prescriptions for those in - volved, and the validity of the heteronomous order overlapping individuals. The institutional activity of the professional media is responsible for the CUT being known for high homicide rates, illegal activities, as well as suspicions of association with the trafficking of drugs, weapons, and other illicit goods. The media promoted characteristics feed the due attribution of a relation- ship with terrorism by security agencies. The fictional or entertainment activity, on the other hand, would act in the audiovisual production of television se- ries and cinematography, as well as in the coverage of football