Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ada C. Machado da Silveira 178 and sports in general, and implies a project articulated with the forces of globalization and the autonomy of individuals (SILVEI- RA, 2016). In this sense, it is possible to postulate the mediatiza- tion as a meta-process because it has no beginning or end, as proposed by Friedrich Krotz (2007; 2014). Its implications are comparable to other meta-processes that, in the present per- spective, are quite important, such as the opposition between globalization and individualization, among other phenomena pointed out by Hjarvard. We observed how the transboundary environment in question supposes profound asymmetries. As previously high- lighted (SILVEIRA et al., 2017a), the comparison of the distances that the cities of the CUT BRA-PY-AR keep from their respective national capitals supposes an uneven balance. Ciudad del Este is about 330 kilometers away from the Paraguayan capital, the city of Asunción, while Puerto Iguazú is about three times more dis- tant from Buenos Aires, and Foz do Iguaçu is at least five times more distant to the Brazilian capital than the first. The media structure of the CUT BRA-PY-AR also brings together significant discrepancies, as shown in Table 1 (2015 data). It allows us to invoke the existence of a “media logic” whose performance will have great potential soon and, thus, qualify as a reference for institutional media activity on Brazilian frontiers. It operates mainly in an orientation that supports the Brazilian State’s sub-imperialist attitudes towards its neighbors (SILVEI- RA et al., 2016). The CUT BRA-PY-AR acts as a free port based on customs agreements, distributor of products that promote the broad assimilation of the consumption of home appliances, smartphones, games, and electronics in general, in addition to armaments, comparable to the greater planetary ports of Miami and Hong Kong. It is an example of a hybrid reality between hori- zontality and verticality of flows, even though its media projec - tion consecrates them as a path of misdirection. Its infrastructure is in a privileged condition of permanent technological updating, which allows its prompt alignment with the “moulding forces” typical of economic globalization (HEPP, 2014). Table 1 summarizes the structure of newspapers and broadcasting of the cities mentioned and also presents infor-