Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, polis, and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR 181 IV – The mediatized polis A note that has repercussions on the newsworthiness of the mediatized polis consists of the distance from the national capitals of the CUT BRA-PY-AR. It is likewise a long distance from the South Atlantic Ocean coast, a harbor with broad connections with the Northern Hemisphere. While the criminalization of the CUT is frequent, illegal activities on the South Atlantic Ocean beaches usually are ignored by the Brazilian reference media’s agenda. As I highlighted in another analysis, the contradiction goes beyond: A Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI), es- tablished by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro, exhaustively studied the news between 2000 and 2010 and produced a report, presenting a summary of the sample of 529 jour - nalistic reports on the trafficking of guns, ammu - nition, and explosives publicized in the media of that city. From this sample, 105 reports were ex- tracted and undergone a qualitative analysis with the addition of 102 reports from 2011 (SILVEIRA; GUIMARÃES, 2016, p. 11). ALERJ’s analysis points to the factual look of the me- dia coverage and the focus on the construction of the external enemy in collusion with State agents: “According to the sample analyzed on this issue, weapons that belonged to the State and were deviated to the criminals, often with the participation of public agents, represent the absolute majority of reported cas - es.” (ALERJ, 2011, p. 225-228). This stance shows full conformi- ty with the colonial glaze historically disseminated by interna- tional news agencies. CUTs have been studied especially by Geography. Ac- cording to Dilla A. (2012), they are cross-border urban patches; a product of flows of capital, goods, and people; cross-border corridors, and regions; demography, economics, politics, and so- cial relations; having an uneven exchange dynamics. In the Brazilian case, its newsworthiness awaits an ap- proach that recognizes the precedence that about 27% of the