Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, polis, and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR 183 A Moment 2 in which the national coverage carried out with a focus on the nation’s sores comes from events occurring on land frontiers (which are mostly fluvial or coastal) in its 16 thousand kilometers (Date 2). These records have already been analyzed in a wide variety of media and their resulting supports by the research group Communication, Identities, and Frontiers. It has found that journalistic programs that are willing to de - velop newsworthiness based on local values still exercise no- tions of very traditional trans-frontier interactions. It would be necessary to deepen the recognition of references from cultural hybridity. Or, in Dilla’s terms (2015, p. 35), advance in the opti- mization of costs and benefits of any trans-frontier relationship, hitherto oscillating between latent hostility and rhetorical fra- ternity (SILVEIRA et al., 2017a). A Moment 3, in which the awareness of a Brazilian sub-imperialist attitude emerges from media organizations, and, consequently, the news positioning of Organizações Globo, broadcast on G1 Portal and Fantástico (open TV program), on June 18 th , 2016, when they considered that land frontiers are problematic, but that Brazil had begun to export criminal orga- nizations (Date 3). It was the coverage of the conflict that oc - curred in the frontier area between Brazilian and Paraguayan traffickers, involving the PCC (First Command of the Capital) 7 – an occurrence that would confirm the exportation of Brazilian- standard criminality to Paraguay. Given that the problems come from the metropolises, the procedure of discursive exteriority was incorporated favoring trans-frontier society. AMoment 4 took place with the dawn of April 24, 2017, when a millionaire robbery occurred at the headquarters of the conveyor Prosegur in Ciudad del Este (Date 4). Dozens of bur- glars armed with explosives, rifles, and large-caliber automatic weapons used grenades and gas pumps to set cars on fire, dis - tract the police, and break into the private company’s safe. The American coverage has classified the event as a war operation 8 . 7 The report was broadcast by the TV program Fantá stico and may be seen at: Access on July 20 th , 2016. 8 The coverage of the event had a broad range in the new s agencies and media ve- hicles from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile. The robbery was initially esti- mated at $ 40 million to ultimately settle at $ 12 million. Up-to-date information