Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ada C. Machado da Silveira 184 Moment 4 has used the power of the procedure of discursive exteriority to integrate the broad industrial scale of the refer- ence media, consecrating the event in all its media potential and incorporating the well-known denomination of “Robbery of the century.” The escalation of media rise, observable by the pattern of events constructed as qualified circumstances (Dates 1, 2, 3, and 4), allows us to, systematically, enshrine the progression of the institutionalized media logic. Does this escalation point out to a militarized polis in the CUT BRA-PY-AR? In the face of un- even exchange, news coverage of the mentioned CUT stands out when media coverage ignores much larger robberies, conflicts with militias in Brazilian metropolises, and above all the nearly absolute silence about daily life in the harbors of the South At- lantic Ocean, a scenery that opens the chronicle of the European colonization in America. The progressive incorporation of heteronomous pa- rameters in the observed coverage allows us to assess its impact for news and the institutional tradition of mediatization stud- ies that would have “[...] until recently mainly been interested in traditional mass media, whose influence is described as a ‘ media logic’[…]” (HEPP, 2014, p. 46). The progression of the escalation also points out to the frontier events highlighted by Braga (2014), given that the or- der of newsworthiness refers to the articulations between so- cial fields and those of the media. We have noticed a genuinely unregulated journalistic landscape, and, at the same time, a hos- tage of practices established by external professional contexts, generating the colonization of subordinate practices along with the indefiniteness of all sorts for the local population. V – Final considerations Returning to the question initially raised about what is mediatized in the communication process that the news activity showed that it would have been remuneration for an organized criminal group (attributed as the PCC, based in São Paulo), on account of debts. It is essential to evoke the rumors about links associating the president of Paraguay, Horacio Carpes, with organized crime.