Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, polis, and frontier events: analysis of the newsworthiness about the CUT BRA-PY-AR 185 on the periphery promotes, or what aspect of mediatization is taken into account here, I recall the primacy of the articulating condition ofmediatization and itsmethodological consequences, according to the considerations of Martino (2019). Newsworthi- ness is understood as a device that combines a set of conditions that addresses social reality in the context of an open mediatiza- tion. I understand that, despite the purpose of the protagonists of the events, proximity communication in CUTs often converts local news into national or international interest. However, the progressive escalation of the four commented moments allows us to point out that the opposite also occurs: local news is built up from the perspective of the prevailing gaze in the national or global centrality, as advocates the progression from a media logic to a mediatization logic. It is known, through a set of empirical research here referred to, that the notions linked to the territorial State and the expression of its sovereignty are responsible for stigmatiz- ing newsworthiness. Considering that the action of mediatized communication not only projects but also adapts to the shared experience, it should be acknowledged that it expresses distinct aspects and common characteristics of existence that the hege- monic media systems define as peripheral. The media narratives on Brazilian international frontiers are hierarchized by canons from the national reference media, which, in turn, observe, to a greater or lesser extent, the claims of international news flows and their main definers. To know the reality of such experiences, the study of the treatment granted, by the media, to one of the most expressive triple frontiers of the American continent, lo- cated in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, on the border with Paraguay (Ciudad del Este) and Argentina (Puerto Iguazú), represents a great example of the media confluences proposed by the glo - balizing order and its impact on the mediatization of the polis . Therefore, I believe having pointed out some of the conditions of the mediatized polis of CUT BRA-PY-AR that contribute to the news treatment of the professional media to configure it in mili - tarized terms. The proposal to establish a critique on newsworthiness built by media around Brazilian international frontiers must promote knowledge about local agendas of national interest in