Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ada C. Machado da Silveira 186 aspects concerning social identity, with an aim on the combat of stereotypes and stigmatizations. I think that one should yet try to assess the level of self-referentiality of the local journal - istic coverage at international frontiers, aiming to estimate the quality of proximity communication in favor of intercultural dia- logue, peace, and solidarity promotion among peoples. Finally, a responsible critique must seek to overcome the agenda-setting focused only on giving visibility to criminality, corroborating with social authoritarianism. I understand that the relevance of the theme stems from the importance that frontiers have, which requires con- sidering the technical unification and political partitioning of territories. In the conditions of news activity entrenched in na- tionalisms, the mediatization of the polis keeps away otherwise friendly populations. It is a conception of the polis that ignores a postulation by Dilla A. (2015), that of organizing the cooperative management of trans-frontier spaces. Thus, the condition of the CUT BRA-PY-AR has, against it, experiences and bibliography on frontiers expressed in English and studied from the social real- ity of the North Atlantic, for which the wall between the United States and Mexico is the big media paradigm. And, finally, I register the warning from a graffiti on the walls of Brazilian custom, expressed in three official languages, in Foz do Iguaçu: “We were born to many mothers, but here there are only siblings.” It makes it possible to inquire whether the impact of globalization on news activity would have affected our societies and the current news, concerned with the crimi- nalization of trans-frontier life, would no longer have captured it, establishing militarized parameters of communicative-media relations. References ASSEMBLEIA LEGISLATIVA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Relatório da CPI das armas . Rio de Janeiro: ALERJ, 2011. BRAGA, J. L. Lógicas da mídia, lógicas da midiatização? In : FAUS- TO NETO, A. et al. Relatos de investigaciones sobre media- tizaciones . Rosario: UNR, 2015. p. 15-32. Ebook.