Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

When the eyes do not blink nor stop: from the operation-image to the rise to the flow 195 In our view, the insufficiency of access as a solution to social asymmetries lies, exactly, in the fact that the meanings are not in technology; they are the result of human production, their mental process, the activation of their imaginary. Thus, all the access results in differences, as pointed out by Fausto Neto (2016), who warned of “a structural asymmetry.” However, this asymmetry is of the order of meaning but not necessarily of ac- cess, since currently media institutions and social actors are in contact and hybridize in their discursive practices. Such contacts are evidenced in the production of videos, photos, and all kinds of images that are produced to circulate, often being consumed by media institutions, in what we call media and social phagia (ROSA, 2016a). Given this landscape, there is excess – too many dis- connected utterances, opinions, images that take to a shuffling effect. Latour (2008) deals with the cascade of images to refer to those which overlay in everyday life. Likewise, Baitelo Junior refers to “ serial imagery. ” The new society no longer lives on people, made up of bodies and bonds, it is based on the pillars of an infinite ‘ serial imagery,’ an endless sequence of images, always identical. The admirable and desir- able is no longer the difference, but the absolute similarity. The creative and adaptive capacity is no longer what stands out, but the need for belong- ing. To be accepted, to be adept, to be adapted (BAITELO JUNIOR, 2005, p. 51). That is, in this ambiance, here called mediatization, producing and being transformed into an image is a condition, as there is no space for “ non-images .” To a certain extent, due to excess, it means that there is a reduction of space to the body once it enters, through access, but is gulped by the flow and rar - efied in the circulation. II – Circulation and the emphasis on value Circulation, mentioned here, does not translate as what is spread or propagated. Even though it is not a new expression,