Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ana Paula da Rosa 200 ture interactional logics available to society. There we find experimental uses, rather than anchored practices. These are processes under develop- ment. If we give preponderant attention to the in- stitutionalized logics – to the media logics – it be- comes easy not to notice these tentative processes, explained too quickly by the influence of what is already engraved in anchored practices (BRAGA, 2012, p. 29). From this distinction of logics, we proceed to enter our observation case. It contains both media and mediatization logics, but we understand that the former is didactic and, when appropriated, start to stimulate the mediatization logics, based on complex circuits, in the perception of circulation as a value space, and in a tentative interactive game that feeds of previous images. In this sense, circulating images, whether referential, such as the journalistic ones, imaginary ones, or the evocation of childhood ideas, is to mobilize operations of experiences. It is no longer, in the scope of mediatization, contemplative images or registration, they are operation-images that go beyond the universe of canonical media, but that nevertheless fail to inhabit or contain it. III – The case of the Syrian crisis: image operations in the face of incompleteness Between February 19 and 20, 2018, another episode in - volving the political and social crisis in Syria has emerged, gain- ing prominence in newspapers around the world. Understood as the “21st-century massacre”, the bombings commanded by the Bashar al-Assad regime’s forces resulted, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights 6 , in more than 250 people killed, including dozens of children. The attack in eastern Gh- outa did not have a live broadcast by the media, but the victims’ rescues gained wide repercussions, especially those produced by the so-called W hite Helmets or members of the Syrian Civil 6 Data available at - tos-no-massacre- do-seculo-xxi/; access on April 08, 2018.