Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

When the eyes do not blink nor stop: from the operation-image to the rise to the flow 205 Figure 05 – Young Syrian posts on journalistic standards Source: Muhammad Najem’s Twitter There are some operations there: a) the boy produc- es audiovisuals from a cell phone camera, which reveals ac- cess to technology and the media space; b) his images allow him to ascend to the traditional media when he turns himself into a journalistic agenda, not only because of the content he shows, but because he uses the interactive space that is Twit- ter to make an inaccessible reality visible; c) Najem’s imagery productions follow the precepts of journalism, insofar as they bring the background, the passage, and the enunciation in ac- tion, presented by the markers “what you are seeing now is another bombardment”, but at the same time, there is hybrid- ization with the amateur discourse since he places himself