Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ana Paula da Rosa 206 not as someone who distantly observes but as someone who is immersed, and, therefore, authorized to transform into im- age what cannot be seen; d) his posts create a space for inter- actions, but they are the result of the difference in meaning, since there are comments that support the pain and others that question the misuse of Photoshop, therefore, the techni- cal point of view; and e) the adolescent becomes an issue for communication vehicles such as CNN and The New York Times, among others, that reach the teenager through the replications of his written and narrated posts in English, that is, not made for Syrians, but to catapult the images into circulation. Thus, the adolescent also schedules the circulation. In this complex situation, we realize that the empirical object that constitutes our field of observation involves media logics and mediatization logics. However, it is within the scope of mediatization that the adolescent occupies a place of dis- course since he makes use of media strategies (the reproduction of the seen in journalism, the frames of videos, the choice of the lines that refer to a previous script) to create a tentative space for social affecting and visibility. The teenager himself assumes, in an interview with CNN, that his main motivation for reporting daily life is the fact that: “People have to know everything that is happening in Syria . I want to study and be a journalist when I grow up. ” At the same time, in one of the published videos, he highlights the trivialization of the image of conflicts: “Our hun- ger, our cold, our escapes have become a common vision. Save our people in Ghouta.” The rhetoric, although open to question when economic and political interests are at stake, adheres to the im- ages produced and which are transformed into new circulations. The operation- image, in this case, at first, could be considered the residue-image or garbage (Figure 06). The one that evident- ly would not be able to reach the media, because it is submerged in the middle of thousands of images posted and published daily. However, the residue-image can be raised to circuit-image when valued in circulation. The teenager’s Twitter has 25,000 follow- ers and videos with over 200,000 views. Thus, like the White Helmets, Najem ceases to be an amateur and is raised, hanker - ing, to the category of source and agenda.