Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

When the eyes do not blink nor stop: from the operation-image to the rise to the flow 207 Figure 06 – Image of family and friends raised from residue to operation Source: Muhammad Najem’s Twitter These two materials have common and divergent points: on the one hand, using networks for something else. It is not just about access to the space of the media dispositif , but the rise to circulation. What they produce, whether as a non-media institution or as a social actor, is socially valued, implying both consumptions by other social actors, as well as by the canonical media. The media logics permeate both actions, since they are crossed by the knowledge that does not belong to them a priori , because the framework, the script, the flagrant record are the specialists’ actions, but which, widely didactic, are subsumed. But what about the images at stake? If it is not the images as products that circulate, but which, according to Braga (2012), find an environment to circulate, the ones produced by both the Civil Defense and the 15-year-old boy coincide in the theme of an endangered childhood, and, therefore, consolidate the image