Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ana Paula da Rosa 210 in English. Another type of operation- image strongly identified throughout the text is the synthesis-image, which is marked by its ability to make remember even when not present. The mere mention of elements of the image or its symbology already gives it its contours, and, in this sense, the synthesis-image acts as a restriction on the entrance of new images, even when they are accessible. Finally, the fourth and last type of operation-image, as evidenced in this article, is the rescue-image that aims to res- cue synthesis-images. The rescue-image operation is also linked to the semantic operator itself, but it is hybridized with the syn- thesis-image because it involves complex relations with the col- lective and social imaginary. In the case under analysis, we have the potency of the web as access and also the need for a tactical elaboration of the use of the device such as Twitter. It is evident, even though the operations of the Civil Defense and the Syrian adolescent rein- force the first image, not only the one elected by the media but the one established in the social imaginary that places the child as “the image” of the conflicts, erasing, to some extent, the other possible images of the tragedy that they report and determining their non-existence. It leads us to think about the way images that become value operations work so that they prolong the cir- culation of particular images and turn others opaque. Now, what about how false images (like Figure 07) appear? Or when photo- montages seem so fictional to be considered fake?