Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

When the eyes do not blink nor stop: from the operation-image to the rise to the flow 211 Figure 07 – Images of pieces of children’s bodies in ditches are discovered, but taken as photomontages Source: Maara Media Center The posed doubt makes productions (Figure 08) that recover images already strongly introjected into our icono - graphic repertoire and with force, even sacred, to be reiterated. Figure 08 – Photomontage from the collage of the image of the work Pietá, and White Helmets’ publications Source: Prepared by the author based on images from the web The image above shows a manner of attempt to pre- vent our eyes from deviating. They are not allowed to blink nor stop, only to follow the flow. Even if, for viewing so much, some tactics become gradually imperceptible.