Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Between the power of enunciators and the power of discourses... 219 • Television: the evening edition of the program ded- icated a significant part of its time to this issue. Del Moro said that "denouncing the chain of lies, the one who was lying was her." In this context, one of the panelists, known for his Kirchnerist militancy, Diego Brancatelli, expressed " Cristina pifió (she was wrong), it is not right to publish something without checking.” 3 • Television: That same day, in the night edition of Animales sueltos , Alejandro Fantino answered to CFK. In his discourse, he stated that "someone told CFK that they had (the programs) the same zócalo ." "I checked with the production and that zócalo we never put it on." For Fantino, "whoever edited that zócalo forgot (to delete) the text above." He ended by saying: "work with more professional people." April 26: • Television: Mariana Fabiani, in her afternoon pro- gram Diario de Mariana, shows that the image of her crying inconsolably with the zócalo Pain and Sadness did not refer to Venezuela; it was previous and due to the death of a friend and his mother. In her statement, Fabiani questions CFK saying: “I am honest and righteous. Can you say the same? • Television: at night, Diego Leuco hosts Los Leuco and shows that the zócalo that CFK published with the image of his father was from an old edition and that the articulation between text and image did not correspond to what was broadcast: the zócalo, at that moment, was another, referring to the Attor- fake, it never existed”. The second says: “I say this after the production checked all the programs, the same happened to the colleagues! # Verdadvsmentira ”. 3 That same day the news channel TN, from Clarín, published on its website: “Howwas the route of the zocatruchos”; In it, it performs a reconstruction of the events, but who was the creator of the image shared by Aníbal Fernández and CFK has not yet been revealed. And the journalist Fernando González, from the Clarín newspaper, publishes the note “Cristina, TV zócalos and the post-truth boomerang”, discussing the event within the framework of the period debates on post-truth.