Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mario Carlón 220 ney General of the Nation. Diego Leuco says: “Cris- tina, enough of lying”. • Blog: with the title "#Falsoenlasredes: the zócalos on Santa Cruz that CFK spread never existed", the data journalism site, of the La Nación newspaper, publishes an investigation that corroborates what was expressed by the media that denied the CFK's post. III – A reconstruction To begin to find an answer about what happened, we must leave the mass media – the main actors involved, and what was published by the data journalism site On April 28, a little-known blog, “Notes of popular journalism” pub - lished a note, signed by Pedro Perucca 4 , entitled: “Santos Vargas, zocalogate , and the power of memes” in which, for the first time, began to reveal what happened. Perucca reconstructs the main media events of the week and reveals that the image had not been created by the un- professional communication teams that Fantino imagined, but that the creator was Santos Vargas, who, two days previously to the CFK release, on the 22 April, posted the following image also on his Facebook account: 4 Perucca is a suspicious name because it is a nomination by which Peronists are usually referred to and the blog is advertised as a space for “popular journalism”, which is why it may be a fake. Although we have not been able to confirm it, we believe that Pedro Perucca is the same person who publishes in the @PedroP71 account on Twitter. That account has a picture of Spider-Man, and claims to be “A journalist particularly interested in cultural issues. Literature, theater, cinema, series and various ñoñadas . Socialist”. Although he calls himself a socialist, it is his love for popular culture thatmakes us think he is the same. https://notasperi -