Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mario Carlón 222 ela 5 ” appears, was removed. Perucca’s thesis is that “at some point someone removed Leon-O and the image circulated until it reached Aníbal and Cristina.” Which is, perhaps, a lot to as- sume: because he doesn’t verify who edited it, it perfectly could have been Aníbal Fernández, who loves to generate controversy. Apart from this fact, it is evident that Aníbal Fernández and CFK shared a fragment of the image generated by Santos Vargas. In this context, showing knowledge of the subject, Pe - rucca says that Santos Vargas “deeply loves Cristina 6 ” and quali- fies the image as a meme, although it is much complex than most memes. Next, we will dwell on the mediatization and circulation that characterize this case, but before presenting our analysis, we will make some general considerations about the images and the approach that we consider necessary to apply. IV – Images and contemporary mediatization Our object of analysis, the succession of discourses con - taining images that we have just discussed, places us in a partic - ular situation: we need to analyze different images. To move for- ward and set our reflection, we must make certain clarifications. A. There is no general theory of images The first one is as follows: besidesmuch being written on this theme throughout history, is there a general theory of image that we can appeal to accounting for all of them, regard- less of their mediatization conditions? Our answer, at this level, is no, because, similarly to what happened in the era of mass media with modern and post-modern images, there cannot be a study that disregards mediatization, and the receptive and dis- cursive social practices that, by making contact with them, are put into practice. And while it is true that in recent years there 5 A condensation of the province of Santa Cruz and Venezuela, expressed in the language of the Batman of the sixties. 6 According to Perucca, Vargas has stated on his accounts “Khalessi, I am your Durán Barba.” The statement deserves an explanation. The reference to Khalessi is because CFK once expressed her sympathy for that Game of Thrones charac- ter. Durán Barba is the communications advisor to President Mauricio Macri.