Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Digital social networks and relation systems 239 II – Diversity Concerning mediatization and the presence, there, of digital social networks, we noticed an extensive diversification of processes, marked by characteristics such as these: • The appearance of various social media and, es- pecially, media devices – Facebook, Twitter, Insta - gram, YouTube, blogs, WhatsApp, Spotify , et cetera . • Increased observation of various social networks that arise or solely become noticeable in a digitized environment. • The perception that digital networks traverse all social instances. • The occurrence of various procedural changes in social networks that already existed before the digital technologies, through the development of experiences of technological activation seeking to improve their tactics and objectives. • Increase on demands and proposals that never had manifested before in a network and see a possibil- ity of expression and existence before the public gaze. • Diversity, also, in the quality results of such experi- ments, presented in the context of a digital culture – ranging from stimulating to disastrous, passing through utterly inoperative. In every sector of society, the perception of untapped technological resources encourages inventive and inferential competencies of the human species in the direction of “trying to do something with it” in favor of their interests. As a result, the political sector, industry, education at all levels, commercial activities, intellectual and artistic production, entertainment, journalism, and the usual professions of communication – all institutions, all social fields face unusual occurrences for which they have no established practical regulations. These processes (given the technological characteris- tics set in motion and the social inexperience with such tentative