Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

José Luiz Braga 252 recting them, generating new problems, asking for continued “ strategic fulfillment”? What proto logics are attempted, with what degree of success, what possibility of generalization and validity for other situations? Of course, questions of this kind are generic. In re- search, it is always necessary to specify – according to the object, the case, the situation under study. But as a set, we believe they indicate the reflection developed in the present text: to analyze and interpret systems of relations under construction via digi- tal networks, rather than trying immediately to state their log- ics, it is about perceiving strategies that manifest as a tentative interaction process to generate arrangements and forwarding that may have some operative communicational meaning. It is not about studying the already established but investigating the process of social invention in which the conditions for social in- teraction are being created. References BOURDIEU , Pierre. [1987]. Da regra às estratégias. In: Coisas di- tas . São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2004. p. 77-95. BRAGA, José Luiz. Interagindo com Foucault – os arranjos dispo - sicionais e a comunicação. Questões Transversais – Revis- ta de Epistemologia da Co unicação, São Leopoldo, v. 6, series 12, p. 81-91. Aug/Dec 2018. BRAGA, José Luiz. Sobre mediatização como processo interacio- nal de referência. In: MÉDOLA, Ana Sílvia; ARAUJO, Deni- se; BRUNO, Fernanda (org.). Imagem, visibilidade e cultu - ra midiática – Livro da XV Compós . Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2007. p. 141-167. BRAGA, José Luiz; CALAZANS, Regina; RABELO, Leon; CASALI, Ca- roline; MACHADO, Michelli; MELO, Paula; ZUCOLO, Rosa- na C.; MEDEIROS, Ana Lúcia; BENEVIDES, Pedro; KLEIN, Eloísa; XAVIER, Monalisa Pontes; DORNELLES PARES, André. Matrizes interacionais – a comunicação constrói a sociedade . Campina Grande: EDUEPB, 2017. 449 p.