Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, communication, and algorithms: a theoretical-methodological proposal... 267 feed into each other to produce fresh recommenda- tions to provide you with a product that brings you joy. 4. FACEBOOK ALGORITHM How EdgeRank works 7 The Facebook algorithm takes into account 3 major factors: affinity, relevance and time. Affinity Have you noticed that the news of some friends and pages appears much more than others? This hap- pens through affinity. Through how much the two sides interact (visiting the profile / page, leaving messages on the wall, viewing photos, liking, commenting or sharing), Facebook determines a degree of affinity that has great weight in publications. Relevance As soon as a new publication is made, only those who have more affinity view it. According to the re - ceptivity of these people (how much they click, like, comment or share), the message will be displayed to more and more people. In addition, different types of publication have dif- ferent relevance. According to tests, photos and vid- eos are more relevant than texts and links, for exam- ple. Publications through the Facebook page are also more relevant than publications through third-party applications. Time This item is hardly a surprise. Newer messages have priority and are displayed in front of older messages. In the beginning, Instagram worked chronologically, that is, posts were displayed to users according to the order of posting. That changed when Instagram developed its algo- rithm in mid-2016. The goal was for the posts most relevant to each user’s experience to appear in their feeds. 7 .