Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, communication, and algorithms: a theoretical-methodological proposal... 271 we do in the present (interactions here and now, with stimuli, responses, and reinforcements). It is necessary, to do so, to think of interactions as a work of possibilities for social cooperation – in the sense of ego psychology, constructivist (which, in our ap- proach, is referred to in Piaget). In other words, we consider that individual epistemes can be updated in interactions, through the cognitive work of individuals, who can thus change their behav- iors, as actors. Corpora construction The methodological exercise refers to identifying, in a clipping of means in a constellation, on which we may observe interactions, feedback processes, a chain of interac- tional events, negative or positive, that feed, conserve, pro- duce stability, qualitative or quantitative imbalances, fed by reintroductions in the “cut system” of the new “information” in the interaction circuit, in a circularity process in flow, which captures and maintains actors in interaction, in various insti- tutional positions. It is evident that an extensive ethnography, even in a reduced circuit, is much complex (including the di- versity of sign-forms present – images, audios, texts, bodies – in interactions, with all their polyphony). But this cut is the first movement to articulate the empirical. The object, there - fore, here focuses on circuit design, as relationships between actors and institutional places. It is a question of designing the “models”: a) of the production system according to the mean(s) under study; b) the social uses of actors and institutions. The expanded analysis of these production and recep- tion systems may require investigation with producers and re- cipients, with an interview script already punctuated with the sequence of indications, in chained interactions, that consider actors present in the circuit defined by the small constellation of means. This script would also question the roles of the ac- tors in the analyzed circuit, according to behaviors – accept- able or not by the interactants (including relations between