Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Mediatization, communication, and algorithms: a theoretical-methodological proposal... 275 process. In this research, the central interface lies between the propositions of Eliseo Verón on production logics and recogni- tion logics and those suggested by other scientific fields, espe - cially Bourdieu’s critical sociology (FERREIRA, 2017, 2018). Here is placed the question of classes and classifications, the social conflict, objective and subjective, updated with ongoing interactions. Aphorism: A promise of affinity is also of a fusional reconstitution, without roundups, what enters in strain as in- verse forces of individual habitus, resulting from incorporated paths, which direct the interactions for an intense process of dispersion. *** Connectivity, ubiquity, and omnipresence Connected, immersed individuals, we pass through cir- cuits to live omnipresence, objective and subjective, strained by the paradoxes of communication, including the paradox of being impossible not to communicate and, while facing acts and com- municating, manifest psycho-socio-anthropological symptoms related to the double bond that is revealed in interactions. It is a relatively stabilized category in the field of communication. It is a new call for us in interactional processes. Aphorisms: The symptoms are not only constituted in manifestations of psychological pathogenesis but result from promises that interaction and communication will solve so- cial impasses, especially those anchored in affinities. But here, connectivity is not a promise. It affects the impossibility of not connecting. And, connected, the game of paradoxes will be integrated. *** Village, expansion of scale, and reformulation of territories The settlement in devices configured by media in con- stellations produces territories within the territory and chang- es of scales of interactions, allowing escape points concerning