Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Jairo Ferreira 276 physical territories. Therefore, there is a continuous retake of the previous surroundings. This category is central to the pro- cesses of mediatization, articulating with its reconstruction of time and space – subjacently, as individuals, as actors, we passed to live the unknown dislocation. Aphorism: A possibility of leaving the physical terri- tories, composed by a multiplicity of habitus, typical of classes and social classifications, and navigating in affinity villages, only points of scape relatively to territorial dispositifs . One navigates in the “cosmo” of networks, in other times and spaces, of prom- ised affinities. *** Integration and differentiation The production systems materialized in individual integrated dispositifs, which are presented as actors, a circuit (micro-construction), which is fed by interactions. In this pro- cess, we have a differentiation process between these actors. This category refers to observations addressed to interactions in the network, in which new groups around thematic questions, at the same time, are grouped, differentiated, integrated, and disintegrated. Aphorism: The circuits are configured by affinities. One arrives at themwith all the elective hopes that have been denied or repressed. The celebration, however, seems to be of short du- ration. In an irreversible process, the inter-agents discover the differences. The elective affinities nourish from amor fati and odi- um fati . The love between the electives; despise or hate for the different. One avoids interaction with the different as a point of escape from paradoxes, that is, from pathogenic manifesta- tions. However, as homophilic networks are not absolute, the contact with the other is required in other territories. There, the species continues to confront itself with paradoxes, wheth- er by silence or inability to communicate, just as it is possible via symptoms.