Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Authors 287 ILYA KIRIYA He started his academic career in 2000, studying me- dia economics and the development of ICT in France and west- ern countries. In 2002, he defended his doctorate in Journalism in Russia, where he published a book on the information society in France. In 2003, he began his work at Moscow State Univer- sity and expanded his perspectives to study the media manage- ment system in Russia. In 2006, he published a book on media marketing . In 2007, Ilya Kiriya became vice-director of Studies and Research at the Higher School of Journalism, where he is particularly interested in teaching and researching media de- velopment in Russia, social factors, and peculiarities of Russia’s media management model. In 2011, he participated in the es- tablishment of the first Media Communication Faculty in Rus- sia, at the Higher School of Economics, where he is a professor and vice-rector. From February to March 2013, he was a visiting professor at the UNESCO Chair in International Communication at the University of Grenoble (Department of Communications), and, fr om January to February 2014, a visiting professor at the Lyon In stitute of Polit ical Studies (Lyon Sciences Po). E-mail: ANTÔNIO FAUSTO NETO Graduated in Journalism from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (1972), he holds a Master in Communication from Universidade de Brasília (1977), Ph.D. in Sciences from La Co - munication et de L’information – Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sci- ences Sociales, France (1982), and post-doctoral studies at UFRJ (1990). CNPq Researcher 1A; member of the CNPq Scientific Committee (communication area); Ad hoc consultant: CAPES, CNPq, Carlos Chagas Foundation. Professor at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), a former professor at UFRJ, UFPb, UnB, and PUC-Minas. Collaborating Professor of the Pro- fessional Master’s in Journalism at UFPB Campus João Pessoa. President of the International Semiotics and Communication Center (CISECO). Co-founder of the National Association of Grad- uate Programs in Communication – Compós. He is the author of