Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Authors 288 the books Mortes em derrapagem (1991); O impeachment da televisão (1995); Ensinando a televisão: estratégias de recepção da TV Escola (2001); Desconstruindo os sentidos (2001); Lula Preside nte – Televisão e política na campanha eleitoral (2003); O mun do das mídias (2004). E-mail: RITA FIGUEIRAS Ph.D. in Communication Sciences at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where she teaches undergraduate, mas- ter’s, and doctoral degrees in the area of ​Communication and Media. Her research focuses on the relationship between the media and power, namely the political mediatization, journal - ism, datification. Her recent production includes: O efeito Mar - celo. O comentário político na televisão (2019, FFMS), Media: poder, representações e epistemologias (co-organized with Ana Cabrera and Clara de Almeida Santos, 2019, Universidade de Coimbra Press), O sector dos media no espaço lusófono (co- organized with Nelson Ribeiro, 2019, Universidade Católica Editora), A midiatização da política na era das redes sociais (2017, Alêtheia), Beyond the Internet: Unplugging the Protest Movement Wave (co-organized with Paula do Espírito-Santo, 2016, Routledge). She is vice-chair of the Mediatization section of ECREA – European Communication Research and Education Association, and also the main researcher of the international project Social Media Surveillan ce and Experiences of Authori - tariani sm, funded by Riksbanke n (Sweden). E-mail:; MAGALI DO NASCIMENTO CUNHA Ph.D. in Communication Sciences fromUniversidade de São Paulo (2004), she holds a Master’s Degree in Social Memory from Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1997) and holds an Graduate Degree in Social Communication (Jour- nalism) from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1985). She has a post-doctoral internship in Communication and Politics,