Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Authors 289 in the Graduation Program in Communication and Culture, at Universidade Federal da Bahia (2016). She is the coordinator of the Communication and Religion Research Group at INTERCOM (Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Communication Studies). She offers disciplines, develops studies and guides monographs, scientific initiation research, master’s dissertations, and doc - toral theses that seek to understand the media communication processes from the social and cultural imaginary, and resulting themes, such as identity, memory, consumption, religion. She has experience in the areas of Communication and Culture, Commu- nication and Imaginary, and Communication and Religion, with emphasis on the following themes: communication, culture, re- ligion, evangelicals, politics, discourse analysis, media, religious digital political activism. She has several texts published among books, book chapters, and articles in specialized journals. She is a member of the International Association for Media, Religion, and Culture, the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), collaborates with the World Council of Churches, based in Gene va/Switzerland, and is a col umnist for the magazine Car - ta Capi tal. E-mail: ADA C. MACHADO DA SILVEIRA She is a full professor and member of the permanent staff of the Graduate Program in Communication at Universi- dade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), collaborator of the profes- sional master’s degree in Communication and Creative Industry at Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) and researcher at National Council for Scientific and Technological Develop - ment ( CNPq). She is the leade r of the Research Group (GruPesq) Comm unication, Identities, an d Borders (CIFront). E-mail: ANA PAULA DA ROSA She is currently the Coordinator of the Graduate Pro- gram in Communication Sciences – UNISINOS. Graduated in