Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Authors 290 Journalism fromUniversidade de Passo Fundo – UPF (2001), she holds a Master’s Degree in Communication and Languages ​from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (2007), Ph.D. in Communication Sciences, in the research line ‘Mediatization and Social Process- es,’ from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) and post-doctorate in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2018) through a project with funding from Pro - cad/Capes-UFF/UPFE/UNISINOS. She is currently a professor and researcher at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISI- NOS), where she teaches at the Graduate Program in Commu- nication Sciences (research line Mediatization and Social Pro- cesses), in addition to the undergraduate courses: Advertising and Publicity, Journalism, Public Relations, and Digital Commu- nication. In 2019, she took office as coordinator of the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences. She has experience in the area of ​Communication, with an emphasis on Journalism and Publishing, working mainly on the following themes: mediati- zation, image circulation, visibility crisis, imaginary, photojour - nalism, coverage of terrorist attacks, and media framing. She is a member of Research Groups: Institutional Communication at UTFPR, Communication Epi stemology at UNISINOS, in addition to the Mediatization and Soc ial Processes group – at UNISINOS. E-mail: MARIO CARLÓN Professor of Semiotics I (Network Semiotics) of the Communication Science Career at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Universidad de Buenos Aires and holds a Degree in Art His- tory from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. He is a researcher at Instituto Gino Germani, where he currently directs the Ubacyt Project Mediatization of politics and art . Between old and newmedia. He is the author of several works, including Después del fin. Una perspectiva no antropocéntrica so - bre la post-tv, el post-cine y YouTube . Buenos Aires: Crujía, 2016. Colabor_arte. Medios y arte en la era de la producción colaborativa (2012), with Carlos Scolari; Las Políticas de los Internautas (2012), with Antônio Fausto Neto; El fin de los medios masivos. El comien -