Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Authors 291 zo de u n debate (2009), with Carlos Sc olari; De lo cinematográfico a lo tele visivo: Metatelevisión, lenguaje s y temporalidad (2006). E-mail: JOSÉ LUIZ BRAGA Full Professor at the Graduate Program (PPG) in Com- munication Sciences at UNISINOS since 1999. Researcher PQ 1A from CNPq. Ph.D. from Université de Paris II, Institut Français de Presse. Master’s in Education from Florida State University (1972). Specialization in Political Science from the Université de Toulouse, France (1965) and in Educational TV, Production, and TV Direction by the Institute for Space Research (INPE, 1970). Undergraduated in Legal and Social Sciences at Vale do Paraí- ba Faculty of Law (1962). He was a Professor at Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) and Universidade de Brasília (UnB). He was president of Compós, management 1993-95. He coordi - nated the PPG in Communication Sciences at UNISINOS (2002- 2004). Main areas of interes t: research methods in communica- tion; m edia critique; mediat ization and social processes. E-mail: JAIRO FERREIRA Full Professor (I) at the Graduate Program in Commu- nication Sciences at UNISINOS, he holds a Post-doctoral study in Communication by UNR (Argentina). He is Graduated in Jour- nalism (UFRGS, 1982) and Economic Sciences (UFRGS, 1992), holding a master’s degree in Sociology (UFRGS, 1997) and a Ph.D. in Informatics in Education (UFRGS, 2002), with part-time abroad at the Jean Piaget Archives and the Educational Technol- ogies Unit of the School of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva (2000). He received a 2001 Capes-Paped Award and currently coordinates the projects Mediatization: empirical, epis - temological, and methodological inferences of media research in Brazil and Sweden (CAPES/STINT) and the International Semi- nar on Research on Mediatization and Social Processes , north- south dialogues, in its IV Edition (2020), which brings together