Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

53 Debating mediatization Pedro Gilberto Gomes 1 Abstract: The reality of mediatization in today’s society arouses the interest and curiosity of researchers and students of social communication. The studies are within the framework of an epistemology of communication. Reflecting on the phenomenon of mediatization, researchers find it difficult to conceptualize it properly. This paper defends the idea that the concept of media- tization is not univocal. The various media continents approach it with different voices and perspectives. Each group, when us- ing the concept, takes it in a peculiar way and with different meanings, although they are often subliminally hidden in their reflections. There is a pre-data that informs and guides both the use and understanding of the concept. It is relevant to underline that the concept is not equivocal, but includes several voices, ac- cording to the particular reality in which the study is conducted. After performing an initial overview of some positions – in our view more relevant – about the concept of mediatization, the ar- ticle concludes that society in mediatization constitutes, in this perspective, the cultural broth, we repeat, where the various so- cial processes take place. It is an ambiance, a new way of being in the world that characterizes today’s society. Keywords : Media. Mediatization. Media Processes. Commu- nication. This is a reflection on the reality of mediatization in society, which arouses the interest and curiosity of researchers and students of social communication. The studies are within the framework of an epistemology of communication. 1 Vice-rector of Unisinos. Full professor at PPGCC-Unisinos. E-mail: pgomes@