Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Pedro Gilberto Gomes 58 ambiance is a consequence of an epoch change in the history of mankind. This situation comes to light when one asks about me- diatization 17 . In the work that illuminates the question, we dis- tinguish between holists and individualists in the analysis of re- ality, which, we think, can contribute to justifying the question. In the specific case in which we are debating, the contribution that the consideration of individual aspects has brought to the understanding of communication is undeniable. The analysis of the various means of communication as technological devices lies within the scope of the individualists’ view, in the contem- plation of microphenomena. Here one can talk about mediatiza- tion while appearing in the media and the analysis of the media, in particular, directs and presides over the reflection on the phe - nomenon. The history of research in the area shows that, in the research literature, there is an abundance of works dedicated to the study of journalism, radio, and television, and now, the inter - net in its various dimensions. There is a valid and often successful attempt to in- terpret communication from its individual elements. In the case of mediatization, it is considered that it is an aggregate formed by actions, attitudes linked to people, and private ve- hicles. It is the vehicles, the professionals who are real. Groups, institutions, and collective environments are a kind of fiction. This is the scope of microphenomena, from an individualistic perspective. However, some aspects and dimensions are impervious to this type of approach today. In this case, the holistic stance seems to be the most convenient, and appropriate. The dimen- sion of the media processes transcends the singular facts, the microphenomena, and points out to the collective aspects, the macrophenomena, the collective social construction based on the process of a society in a state of mediatization. The question is: how to approach the media process, which today is under- stood as mediatization and generates a new ambiance? 17 The following reflections were drawn from the article “How does the media- tization process (a new way of being in the world) affect social relations?” In: BRAGA, J. L. et al. Ten Questions for the production of knowledge in communic - tion . São Leopoldo: Ed. UNISINOS, 2013. p. 127-139.