Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Industrial dimension of mediatization: inquiry from cultural industries approach 81 of products classified according to reproducibility, rareness and other criteria. There are generally two main models of functioning: • editorial model basedmainly on the direct consum- er payment for the cultural good which is generally materialized and represents a particular product either material (as book) or immaterial (as digital track, for example) • flow model based mainly on the model where the cultural production is financed non personally by the consumer but by the third part and, essentially, by the advertiser. Cultural good in this case is em- bodied in the service, so it’s generally immaterial and means some continuity in space and time (from here come the name of the model – the flow based) From this two generic models we can see a lot of inter- mediary logics mixing such two models and a high variety of dif- ferent cultural products such as reproducible products relying on creative workers, semi-reproducible products which the cir- culation is artificially limited to maintain the rareness and high prices, social exchanges mainly organized by new social media and searching engines. This variety of products and logics of functioning dur- ing last 20 years is largely driven by digital changes, prolifera- tion of the mobile internet penetration and telecommunication platforms, growing diversity of the consuming devices. All such changes permitted to scholars to associate cultural industries with larger segment of “content industries” and to find a lot of common places between very heterogeneous industrial and cre- ative forms of products in this fields ( MIÈGE, 2000; BENGHOZI, 2011). The move towards high variety of platforms and broaden- ing of the cultural industries field to the content industry has been accompanied by some corporate changes and especially – the fi - nanciarization of the sector which became one of the most pow- erful and present in the financial market ( BOUQUILLION, 2008). This paper tries to enlarge this process by larger process – the enhancing of the industrial field due to some mediatization.