Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Industrial dimension of mediatization: inquiry from cultural industries approach 83 Another field inside performative arts which is huge - ly pushing the whole sector toward the industrialization – the raise of international musicals. In UK, for example, only about 15% of theatrical shows are musicals, but they deliver about 30% of total theatrical performances (NAYLOR et al., 2016). We consider musicals as semi-reproducible theatrical performanc- es where individual artistic play (which still remains the part of the non-reproducible universe of the classic theater) coexists with very standardized and commercialized way of production based on mechanism of franchise. Within internationally recog- nizable franchises, such as “Chicago”, “Mama Mia” etc., the main property rights holder specifies and standardizes all creative elements such as music, choreography, features of artists. Such standardization makes the theatrical performance itself repro- ducible and creates the borderline between the creator itself (the franchise owner) and the performer considered more as a distributer. Moreover, such distinction divides the labor and alienating the creator of the performance. The division of labor penetrates more profoundly into pop- art sector, especially in the field of humor. Our study of this field in Russia, performed in 2015, based on dozen interviews with television producers, shows that inside the television satire and humor there is a strong division of labor between those who makes the gags (the gagwriters) and their presenters. IV – Industrializing the education On difference from previous fields, the sector of edu- cation started to be considered as cultural industry few dozen years ago, especially by French political economy of media scholars, such as Pierre Moeglin. In his book “Education indus- tries”, he is studying such industrialized forms of education as textbook publishing, pedagogical informatics, distance learning etc. (MOEGLIN, 2010). For Moeglin, three main interconnected processes accompany this industrialization of the education: technologization, rationalization, and ideologization. The first refers to routinization and standardization of the processes of the education as activity (dealing with division of labor). The