Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Ilya Kiriya 86 industry, where the creative part of work is separated from its technical reproduction and marketing. The business model in this case is remarkably similar to any networked digital product and is mainly based on selling data about users to aggregators of the advertising. The model also implicates a large part of the dig- ital labor (a high amount of non-paid work performed by users itself for free) (FUCHS, 2015). Peer-assessment, mentoring, and other methods of self-organization of online course listeners are elements of such digital labor. Since platforms are responsible for the distribution, they are formatting the creative work of the professor, imposing the specific format (number of weeks, divi - sion of lectures on the short pieces). V – Corporate changes The complexity of the relationship between different segments and branches of the economy and communication industry is well described (ARSENAULT; CASTELLS, 2008). But what is important is the dynamics of the market power. Thus, during 1990s, media and cultural industries companies were much more acquired by the segment of the electronics equip- ment. So, in 1990, Matsushita acquired the Universal Studios, in 1989 Sony obtained Columbia and in 2005 completed its expan - sion by absorbing the MGM. Later in 2000s, it was a turn of tele- communication companies to associate with cultural and media field. It was the case of AOL (with creation of AOL- Time Warner) and Time Warner, creation of TW Cable and acquisition of NBC- Universal by Comcast. But during last few years, we can see a raise of the cor- porate power of the internet oligopolies continually active in field of education. Actually, quasi all of top-five internet oligopolies provide online education services and hold assets within this seg- ment. Microsoft controls its platform of online courses and ser- vices for teachers developing digital skills at schools. Amazon is developing the platform AWS Educate, providing teachers and students access to cloud technologies in field of education. Google possesses G-suite, a platform of different services for trainers, teachers, and students based on collaborative technologies. Apple