Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Industrial dimension of mediatization: inquiry from cultural industries approach 87 is just developing platforms for together cloud managing differ - ent accounts and devices within class and schools (project Apple School). Finally, Facebook develops Facebook Education, a com- plex of education tools to build learning communities. All such strategies are not accidental. Big Five control huge amount of per- sonal data of users which allows such companies to attract more and more targeted advertisers. By providing massive education solutions, Big Five companies obtain the possibilities tomake per- sonal data working permanently by proposing it each time to dif- ferent advertisers, on different controlled platforms. In a majority of cases such education solutions are based on user-generated content, which is shared by different education professionals. VI – Conclusion In this contribution, we showed how rich and diverse became the sector of reproduction of “non-industrial” domains of cultural industries which based on different forms of aggre- gation and mediatization of theatrical performances, gags, user generated content etc. All such changes making closer the strate- gies of industrial media corporations and the cultural field which previously was quite autonomous from such hyper concentrated industry. Some of the activities, mainly in the field of performing arts, became reproducible not entirely technically (not because of mechanical copying of the creative content on the specific medi - umor digital network) but due to standardization of their produc- tion and usage of right protection, such as franchise model. For another activities, such as education or theatrical performance, movie broadcasting, we can see how new digital distribution en- vironment made them entirely reproducible. In all cases, we have dealt with a new division of labor between creative workers and distribution, able to generate a new business logic. References ADAMS, S. (2018)/ This Company Could Be Your Next Teacher: Coursera Plots A Massive Future For Online Education. Forbes, 16 oct. 2018, available online: https://www.