Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

91 Circulation and transformations of journalistic discourses Antonio Fausto Neto 1 Abstract: The theme of circulation appears in a new com- plexified landscape of the dynamics of mediatization in pro- cess. Circulation is displaced from a naturalized comprehen- sion to a central issue, especially within the discursive func- tioning of social practices, such as the journalistic ones. It is no longer understood by the transmission perspective, as conceived in the traditional view of functionalist studies, and moves to a perspective of a relational nature. According to this perspective, circulation is the result of the difference be- tween the activities of producers and recipients of messages, whose dynamics is manifested through ”bundles of relations”’ of discourses according to an enunciative work that points to an inevitable “misfit” of meanings. Based on these questions, this article examines the functioning of circulation in three landscapes that involve journalistic and non-journalistic dis - courses: in the first one, the journalistic media stood out as the place where circulation operated as a “zone of transposi- tion” of messages, and the journalists as their carriers; in the second one, it is transformed into a “zone of articulation’ wo- ven by intertwining messages between producers and receiv- ers, and in which journalists presented themselves as actors/ mediators of the interaction between institutions and social actors; and in the third one, circulation takes from the scene journalism’s mediating activity and affects the conditions of production and management of the event. These conditions begin to be woven according to operations of discourses of 1 Professor at PPGCC- UNISINOS. E-mail: