Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Circulation and transformations of journalistic discourses 93 The discussion about the concept has been taking place, in the last few years, in the scientific-academic field, where the first audits are made, and hypotheses launched, removing the cir- culation from an automatic passage zone (FAUSTO NETO, 2009; 2010) 3 . Circulation had shifted from a naturalized understanding to the ambit of a central issue according to perspectives that re- moved it from the causal scope and placed it in an area of com- plexities, uncertainties, and discontinuities. These are significant moments in which circulation, in Latin America, and particularly in Brazil, is debated through two annual CISECO 4 meetings devot- ed to the theme. Debates held there resulted in books as well as dissertations and theses in the graduate programs in the area of communication, being also the object of research supported by institutional agencies (FAUSTO NETO, 2017). We may attribute to several factors the resumption of the study of circulation according to other assumptions, which go beyond those extracted from the mathematical theory of in- formation. It is something that was, in part – and in a curious way – abandoned by studies of functionalist inspiration, carried out within the scope of research communication. In a reduced way, we can say that the theme of circulation is reintroduced ac- cording to other analytical matrices, since we abandon the point of view that retains the understanding of communication ac- cording to a transmission notion, choosing another one, which conceives it as a relational issue. According to this new framework, circulation would be the result of a difference in the relationship between mes- 3 FAUSTO NETO, Antônio. Views on reception through the edges of circulation. Work presented at the working group Reception, uses and media consumption, from the XVIII Compos Meeting, at PUC-MG, Belo Horizonte, MG, in June 2009. Available at: . FAUSTO NETO, Antonio. Circulation beyond the edges. In : FAUSTO NETO, An- tonio; VALDETTARO, Sandra (ed.). Mediatización, sociedad y sentido : Coloquio del Proyeto “Mediatización, Sociedad y Sentido: aproximaciones comparativas de modelos brasileños y argentinos”. Rosario: Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2010. Available at: Media tizaci%C3%B3n-sociedad-y-sentido.pdf. 4 “The Discursive Circulation: between production and recognition”, theme of Pentálogo VII, Hotel Albacora-Japaratinga / AL, September 19 to 23, 2016; and “Discursive Circulation and Transformation of Society”, theme of Pentálogo VIII, Japaratinga, Hotel Albacora-Japaratinga / AL, September 25 to 29, 2017.