Networks, Society, and Polis: Epistemological Approaches on Mediatization

Antonio Fausto Neto 94 sage producers and recipients. They would relate based on dif- ferent grammars and logics, which would guide the conditions for the production of meanings through “bundles of relations” organized according to dynamics of discontinuities and asym- metries. The meaning effects which could emerge from commu- nication practices would be the result of a work of discursive interchangeability – characterized by the inevitable “disarticu- lation” – with the meaning produced by communication poles. It is worth remembering, in a succinct way, that the problem of circulation would already appear surrounded by the complexity of communicative protocols within the scope of in- terpersonal contact, passing through the communication medi- ated by technologies, such as the mass media, and assuming new characteristics in the ambiance of mediatization in process. In any of these scenarios, circulation would be the result of the dif- ference in the (asymmetric) relationship of enunciations gener- ated in the areas of discourse production and reception. This article does not intend to deal with the issue of circulation comprehensively but to recover, from this broad and complex scenario, some aspects that help to understand the role it has in the mutations that, over the last decades, the journalis - tic communication processes have undergone. Initially, we present some characteristics of the circula- tion’s operation, highlighting aspects of its work of transmitting messages in the context of the media society and in which the mass media played a central role as mediating structures. The enunciation process centered on the logics and grammar of the media fromwhich the production and transmission of messages were generated to the recipients. Circulation would have only an auxiliary function, that is, to promote the transmission of mes- sages but, it did not stand out from any aspect of another work, such as, for example, the articulation of interactions between in- stitutions that produce messages and their recipients. We will highlight another perspective that situates the dynamics of circulation in the communicational architecture of the society inmediatization, in which the functioning of all social practices is reciprocally affected by techno-media logics and op- erations. Links are generated between old calls and new media, and the relations between the communication poles would be